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Frequent ask Questions

Minimum order?
Our minimum order is US$ 500.00 ( you may buy 1 piece each or the quantity you may want. )

As for orders over US$2,500.00 please contact us at requesting VP prices

Purchasing Questions?
After you submit your order we will review it and contact you to confirm the order. You won’t pay nothing, once you submit your order, our website is mainly for customer to placed their orders.
Once your order is prepared and ready we will call you for the payment, the price base on the amount of your purchase will be applied on the invoice we will send you

How do I Pay?
We offer several alternatives or forms of payment:
- You can pay with a bank transfer, using your own bank and / or any banking agency, for it requires our bank information, you can request it from your sales consultant.
- You can pay with your preferred credit card, using PayPal.